High Resolution Prediction

Notice : A new user-customized APCC seasonal prediction (MME) and verification services based on platform technology has been opened as beta service (Refer to current APCC CLIK service : https://clik.apcc21.org). Please leave your any questions and feedbacks about the new service to APCC Help Desk.

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APCC Seasonal Forecasts

The APCC seasonal forecast is based on multi-model ensemble (MME) prediction system and disseminated to APEC member economics around 15th of every month. Currently, 15 operational centers and research institutes from 11 countries around the world participate in the APCC MME operational prediction system by routinely providing their predictions in the form of ensembles of global forecast fields.
The APCC’s real-time operational forecasts are issued in both deterministic (based on ensemble mean) and probabilistic (based on full set of ensemble members) forms.

Deterministic MME Forecast

The deterministic forecast is based on a simply average of bias-corrected ensemble means from each model with equal weight to create a multi-model forecast. The ensemble mean anomaly forecasts for each individual model is calculated by their own climatology from the hindcasts.

Probabilistic MME Forecast

The probabilistic forecast is based on an uncalibrated MME with model weights being proportional to the square root of ensemble size, and a Gaussian fitting method for the estimation of the tercile-based categorical probabilities, that is, the probability of below-normal (BN), near-normal (NN), and above-normal (AN) categories with respect to climatology.