Multi-Model Ensemble(MME) technique is one of the efficient solutions to improve the climate forecast skills. The basic idea of MME is to avoid inherent model errors and minimize the uncertainties by using independent and skillful models. For better forecast compared to single model forecast, APCC adopts one deterministic and one probabilistic MME methods by collecting individual model forecast data from 15 centers/institutions in 11 countries.
Center/Institution | Country | System name |
APCC | Korea | SCoPS |
BCC | China | CSM1.1m |
BoM | Australia | ACCESS-S2 |
CMCC | Italy | SPS3.5 |
CWA | Chinese Taipei | TCWA1Tv1.1 |
ECCC | Canada | CANSIPSv3 |
HMC | Russia | SL-AV |
KMA | Korea | GloSea6GC3.2 |
METFR | France | SYS8 |
MGO | Russia | MGOAM2.4 |
NCEP | United States of America | CFSv2 |
PKNU | Korea | CGCM v1.0 |
PNU-RDA | Korea | CGCMv2.0 |
UKMO | United Kingdom | GloSea6 |
Name | Abbreviation for file name | Unit |
Outgoing longwave radiation | olr | W m-2 |
Precipitation | prec | mm day-1 |
Sea level pressure | slp | hPa |
Sea surface temperature | sst | K |
Temperature at 2m | t2m | K |
Temperature at 850hPa | t850 | K |
Surface temperature | ts | K |
Zonal wind at 200hPa | u200 | m s-1 |
Zonal wind at 850hPa | u850 | m s-1 |
Zonal wind at 925hPa | u925 | m s-1 |
Meridional wind at 200hPa | v200 | m s-1 |
Meridional wind at 850hPa | v850 | m s-1 |
Meridional wind at 925hPa | v925 | m s-1 |
Geopotential height at 500hPa | z500 | m |
Model data up to 11 months lead time
* Lead time means the length of time between the issuance of a forecast and the occurrence of the phenomena that were predicted
Global data whose resolution is 2.5°×2.5°